Our goal is to make the mastery of math facts and skills a positive and successful learning experience. We help kids love math.


PFC MATH SUCCESS PROGRAM - This is a PFC supported, school-wide, computer based, parent and teacher assisted, at home learning program. We provide parents with the opportunity to enroll their children in a fifteen minute, four night a week lesson program that puts an emphasis on basic skills. The mastery of these skills is an absolute necessity for math success.

ACCELERATED 5th/6th -  For above grade level students we provide a challenging inquiry and activity based before school enrichment program. This program expands on both 5th and 6th grade core math skills, and it introduces algebra concepts and skills. This is a thirty lesson program.

SKILLS INTERVENTION 2nd-6th - For below grade level students we provide an engaging computer and "manipulatives" based, teacher assisted, before school learning program. We utilize a system that successfully motivates students to master basic addition and multiplication facts. This is a forty-five lesson program.

Mr. Morrow is a fantastic teacher. He is dedicated to his students and inspires learning in all.
-LVUSD Teacher

My son loves accelerated math and it has helped grow his hunger for math, numbers and critical thinking.
-5th/6th Accelerated Parent

I love it! This is my second child to be allowed to participate in Mr. Morrow’s math session. The children are stimulated and challenged and rewarded. They will reap the benefits later in their math curriculum, as some of the concepts like trigonometry aren’t even taught until high school.
-5th/6th Accelerated Parent

My daughter absolutely loves Mr. Morrow and this class. I think it is wonderful that he provides information on the origin and history of the math equations. She thinks the worksheets are fun, and she has learned so much from this class.
-5th/6th Accelerated Parent